CIT – The Centre for Infrastructure Technologies

Submission of requests – email contact to the department:, telephone contact 720 060 280 or individual member flaps (see contact).

The Centre manages information technologies in the CPTO building, including the server room, computer rooms, employee computer equipment, audiovisual systems (interactive charts, data projectors and audio systems) for the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Environment. The Centre also manages other technologies in cooperation with the University Centre of Informatics.

The Centre provides education and support in the field of cyber-security, computer networks, including other infrastructure technologies, such as administration of operating systems.

The Centre includes the following laboratories:

  • Laboratory of Informatics Curriculum and Instruction
  • Laboratory of Computer Networks and Infrastructure
  • Laboratory of Computer Technologies and Mechatronics

The activities of the Centre include work in research, project and additional activities, including contract research.