Service overview

Server room in the CPTO building:

  • computer network (management of active and passive elements in the network)
  • electrical network (management of PDUs, control and optimization of the network consumption)
  • server and storage technologies
  • virtualised desktop computers for teaching and staff
  • Websites (experimental websites, servers for development in teaching, staff personal websites, project support sites (students + staff), WordPress systems, student websites (student projects, bachelor and master theses, etc.)

Management of computer rooms in the CPTO building:

  • keeping the equipment in proper condition (cleaning equipment, checking cooling, etc.)
  • regular updating of software equipment
  • meeting the requirements of academic staff (installation of new software for teaching, etc., both before and during teaching)
  • regular software renewal during each examination period
  • presentation technology, audiovisual systems
  • user service of classrooms

Printers in the CPTO building:

  • management of high-capacity printers
  • consumables monitoring (issuing orders for replenishment of consumables)
  • user service of printers

User support for websites:

  • faculty and departmental websites and Moodle
  • all other departmental websites (for teaching, PR, students, etc.)

Faculty staff support:

  • addressing partial and systemic staff problems
  • prepares tender documents and invites tenders for IT systems
  • confirms compatibility and optimality of systems

Asset Management:

  • records of HW and SW equipment in CPTO

Support for student software and enabling certifications from those programs:

  • Microsoft Imagine
  • Cisco Networking Academy
  • ECDL
  • Oracle


  • dealing with security incidents
  • standard maintenance of all entrusted equipment

What the department doesn’t manage:

  • Infrastructure Networks (CI)
  • CCTV (building CCTV)
  • management of web technologies running on CI servers